Patents - Patents Patent Pending

Patent protection

Section 3 of the Patents Law - "An invention whether it is a product or a process in any technological field that is new, useful, usable and has inventive progress is an invention eligible for a patent".

The basic lines of the invention as the subject of the patent

  • An invention goes beyond a mere idea - the idea itself cannot be protected and is not enough.
  • Process / product - the invention must refer to a product or process.
  • Efficiency - an invention must be efficient.
  • Innovation - lack of prior publication / exploitation.
  • Inventive progress.

Our firm deals with legal advice and patent registration and faithfully accompanies its clients from the idea stage, through the stage of providing an opinion on infringement and qualifying for registration as a patent, and then deals with the registration itself and even in the enforcement stage of the patent when infringers of the right holders are discovered.
Our office has many years of experience under the leadership of attorney Dan Adi, who in the past worked at the Patent Authority in the Ministry of Justice in Jerusalem as an attorney, legal assistant to the patent registrar and also as a legal advisor for patent matters in the largest global company of its kind in the world.